Youth Faith Formation.
The task of handing on our faith from one generation to the next belongs to the entire family #36 community. We are always in need of volunteer catechists for the special role to explain the truth of our faith. We have sessions for Pre-K-Grade 12 in various options as well as Sacramental Preparation programs. All volunteers working with youth must participate in the Diocesan Protecting God’s Children program and remain current on all bulletins.
Youth Ministry.
St. Joseph reaches out to all young people of the parish to engage them in the life of the Church to empower them as disciples.
Middle School Ministry for 6-8 graders provides monthly gatherings on Friday evenings for faith, fun and service as well as social events such as mini golf, Lasertron, and service projects.
High School Youth Ministry for grades 9-12 offers a variety of service events, social opportunities and faith events such as the Diocesan Youth Rally.