For Teens
High school youth in grades 10-12 are invited to prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Calendar and registration are linked below. The program begins in August with students confirmed in the spring.
For more questions, please contact Diane Brennan at (716)833-0298 Ext. 310, dbrennan@stjosephbuffalo.org, or use the form below.
Teen Confirmation Contact Form
Confirmation for Teens
"*" indicates required fields
For Adults
A program is offered for adults 21 and over who have been raised Catholic but have not been confirmed. It consists of five sessions which provide an overview of church doctrine and Catholic core beliefs, prayer and spirituality, the ritual and theology of the sacraments, and the principles of Catholic social teaching and service. Classes are usually held in February and March and culminate with the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation in the spring. Questions? Please contact Diane Brennan @ 716-833-0298 Ext.310, dbrennan@stjosephbuffalo.org, or by using the form below.
Adult Confirmation Contact Form
Confirmation for Adults
"*" indicates required fields