Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Boys and girls in Grades 4 and up are invited to minister as Altar Servers. Training sessions are held in the fall and spring. Servers submit their availability and schedules are created on a quarterly basis.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Catechists
At the 10 & 11:30 a.m. Sunday masses, children ages 4-10 are dismissed to hear the Sunday readings from the Children’s Lectionary explained in a way that is meaningful to them. Adult volunteers are needed to join teens to help with this program on a rotating basis. Training and support are provided.
Eucharistic Ministers
Men, Women, young adults and teens who have received the sacrament of Confirmation and who have attended a required training session help distribute the Eucharist during Mass. Volunteers follow a rotating schedule and serve at a specific Mass.
Eucharistic Minister Outreach to the Homebound
Eucharistic ministers take Holy Communion to parish members who are elderly or sick and confined to their homes. Arrangements are made between the minister and the individual or family regarding scheduling.
Greeters serve before Mass at the doors of the church where they extend a welcome to visitors and parish members alike. A friendly smile and a willing heart are all that are needed; this ministry has no age limits. You can volunteer as an individual, family or a household.
Lectors are readers who proclaim the scripture at weekend Masses. Lectors are scheduled on a rotating basis for the particular Mass which they select.
Ushers seat late-comers, direct gift bearers for the offertory procession, take up the collection, direct the congregation for the reception of Holy Communion and distribute bulletins at the end of Mass. People both young and old can serve as ushers.
Non-Liturgical Support Ministries
Altar Candles
Volunteers clean the brass candle holders and replace the used altar candles.
They are assigned for one week a month.
Altar Linens
Volunteers wash and iron the small linens used during the Mass (this does not include the linens which cover the altar). This commitment extends for one year on a rotating basis.
Altar Server Robes.
Volunteers launder and iron server cassocks and surplices twice a year, at Christmas and Easter and replace any missing buttons as necessary.