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Stewardship of St. Joseph University Parish

Stewardship is a lifestyle, a life of total accountability and responsibility, acknowledging God as the Creator and Owner of all. Christian Stewards see themselves as the caretakers of all God’s gifts.

“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” – 1 Peter 4:10

Stewardship is a way of thanking God for all our blessings by returning to God a portion of the many gifts that we have been given. It involves the intentional, planned and proportionate giving of all we have and can be expressed in prayer, worship, offering and action. Contact Kristen Brill 833-0298 Ext. 321 or Rebekah Stiller 833-0298 ext. 313

Prayer and Worship
Regular mass attendance enables us to stay connected as a faith community. Click here to view Sunday Mass online. Parishioners are also encouraged to pray with and for the people of our parish, including the names written in the parish Book of Prayer.

Continuous sacrificial giving is what enables St. Joseph’s to thrive as a vibrant, engaged faith community and carry out our ministry as a parish. Here are some ways you can give to the parish:

  • Commitment to Parish Life
    Commitment to Parish Life (CPL) is an initiative in which our parishioners make an annual commitment to prayer, active ministry and sacrificial giving. CPL involves a formal pledge to pray, to participate in one or more of the ministries of the parish, and to make an annual financial gift that can be paid throughout the course of the year. In lieu of traditional envelopes, CPL participants are mailed a commitment reminder or can fulfill their contribution online through We Share, our online giving site. To participate in the Commitment to Parish Life Program, please contact Kristen Brill 833-0298 Ext. 321 or fill out the CPL Commitment Form.
  • Online Giving
    Using St. Joseph’s We Share online giving site, parishioners can set up a recurring contribution, make one-time gifts, and contribute to special collections and other giving opportunities throughout the year. Payments can be made using a credit card or through a bank EFT transaction. Contact Rebekah Stiller 833-0298 Ext. 313.
  • Envelopes
    If you prefer, regular contributions can be made using weekly envelopes. Contact Joanne Messer in the Parish Office at (716)833-0298 ext. 303 to have a set of envelopes mailed to you.

Serve in a ministry or volunteer for one of the many events held at the parish throughout the year. Volunteering is a tradition here at St. Joseph’s and people who serve in these roles enable us to engage in the good work of the parish as we carry out our mission. To serve or volunteer, please fill out the Ministry & Volunteer Contact Form.