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Understanding Coercion-Based Human Trafficking. The Parish Refugee and Immigration Committee invites you to a presentation by Meghan Tokash, Assistant United States Attorney, on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 7 pm in the Community Room.  AUSA  Tokash is a federal prosecutor on detail to the Civil Rights Division Human Trafficking Unit (and a member of the North Buffalo Family of Parishes).

Many people have a misunderstanding about what human trafficking is and what it is not. Human trafficking is not what is depicted in the movies. It’s happening here in our own community—from restaurant kitchens in the city to farms up on the lake shore. This presentation will educate the community on what coercion-based forced labor and sex trafficking looks like in Western New York and what you can do on a grassroots level to fight the scourge of this terrible crime. It will also explore how victims become targets for traffickers, and how traffickers use various methods to control and coerce some of the most vulnerable among us.

For more information on the activities of the Parish Refugee and Immigration Committee, contact Robert Mietlicki